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  1. Could someone please explain the parent pickup & drop off line? 
    Yep.  This is another one that makes sense after you do it for a while, but is confusing in the beginning.  
    In order to keep traffic moving & everyone safe, we have one way to drop off in the morning and it's the
    same way to pick up in the afternoon.

  2. Middle school is scary.  Am I even allowed in the building?
    Yes, as long as you are a cleared volunteer through St. Johns County.  Click here to get started.

  3. My student forgot their lunch (or glasses or money) but the school policy says I can't drop anything off after the day has started.  What do I do?

    The front office will NOT accept and deliver forgotten homework, field trip money, PE uniforms, band instruments or projects past 8:00am. The only exceptions to this policy is lunch or lunch money.

  4. What time are my child's class periods?

All of us have been new to Pacetti Bay at one time and had lots of questions. Here's our list of the top ones:

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